Tasty ticket to Sancerre

Cher » Sancerre » Expositions, Visites et Découvertes

Tasty ticket to Sancerre

Let's travel together !
During 2 hours, taste and learn about Sancerre wines, accompanied by japanese and french food.

60€/person including the visit of la Maison des Sancerre, the wine tasting and the pairing food
From 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
commented tasting by Dona stewart and Juli nakata-roumet
Only on reservation 02 48 54 11 35 or contact@sancerreaop.fr
Only in english

On saturdays
28th september
5th october
12th october
19th october

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Lieu de l'événement :

3 Rue du Méridien
18300 Sancerre

Dates et horaires :

Contacts :

Téléphone : 02 48 54 11 35
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